Monday, May 18, 2009

May News

Several exciting things have happened this month.

Our son, Jeremy did graduate from High School. WooooHooo.

No tornado affected us this year for Mother's Day. ALL RIGHT!!!

Our grandson, Logan, was born.We also got to see our other grandchildren, Gabe and Kaylee.And the month is not over yet.
We have possibilities of seeing them again before May is over.
School is almost out for the summer for Jessica.
Our son Jason and his wife Megan are going to celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary this month also.
I have so many things to be happy about and grateful for. Life is truely what you make of it. See you next post.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Here it is the 3rd day of May and I forgot to post the whole month of April. I have been busy though with keeping up with my quilting projects, having family stay and helping clean house in preparation for our new grandson to arrive.
Our children and grandchildren came down from their home to spend some time with us at the end of March. We attended a baby shower for our other daughter-in-law who is due to have our second grandson on the 20th of May.
We took the grandchildren to church with us so I took the opportunity to take some photos with them in their Easter clothes since we won't be able to visit them then. Kaylee and Gabe were very good for us at church.Grandma and Grandpa pose with them.Aunt Jessica takes a turn too.They are adorable if I do say so myself. But I am a proud Grandma after all.
We also got to see pictures of our new grandson.The first one is of his foot.The next two are of his face.The last one shows his fist near his face.No, he is not here in person yet, so these photos will do for now. I can hardly wait until he is born so I can hold him.
Graduation time and the end of school is upon us. I am hoping to see our Senior graduate on the 11th of May.
Mother's Day is also here again. I can only hope and pray that this year is better since last year's Mother's Day was the beginning of a long clean up process after the tornado left us in a major mess.
I will post more after these events take place. I will definitely be posting photos of our new baby Logan when he arrives.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 2009

It is already almost the end of March. Can you believe how fast these months are moving along?
My husband and I celebrated our 22nd Wedding Anniversary on the 20th. He was somewhere in Illinois and I was here at home. Some celebration, huh?
March is a busy month for my family; our anniversary, a niece's anniversary, a son, daughter, 3 nieces, 1 nephew, 2 sisters-in-law all have birthdays. Then the beginning of Spring is added in there too.
I am so ready for Spring. Not so much for the storms that come with it, but it is the beginning of a new season that gets warmer. That means that I can see the end of having to haul firewood and keep fires going.
Also it means one month closer to our granddaughter's first birthday and the birth of our second grandson. With so many things to look forward to, I am slowly coming out of my depression state.
No, my husband hasn't worked much more than last month and yet the bills are still piling up. I am not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel yet, and I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I feel encouraged to move on each day. I think Spring does that to some people.
Keeping busy helps too. I was replaced as Vice President of my quilt guild, but put in as Web Master instead. I am still active in that group and we are going to start back up with Project Linus Meetings again, so that will be fun.
I am active in Church again. I am the Secretary in our Primary Organization. I have also starting singing in the Choir again. I didn't realize how much I missed singing until I started back up. My brother is the director and I get to spend time with my other brother, my sister-in-law, niece and 2 nephews who also sing.
Our son is getting closer to the end of school and hopefully graduation. Our daughter is real busy with Ag and different choir competitions. My husband is keeping busy when not working at his job because of freight shortages, by cleaning up the yard and what was left destroyed by the tornado last May. This is a long process. We still have repairs to be made on the house as well as the out buildings. He would really like to be working on a garden and growing things.
I do have something to look forward to this weekend though. I am having children and grandchildren here to stay. I am really excited. I will get new pictures to post and share my fun weekend in my next post.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 15, 2009 I am Sinking Fast.
It is now the middle of February. My husband has worked all of maybe 2 weeks since Christmas. Wow. What stress. I am fighting depression really bad and this last week it won.
Before that, we did manage to make a fun trip to Kansas City to see our children and grandchildren up there. They needed some help with their bathroom (tub plumbing and surround replacement) so we went up so Don could help with that.
We got to play with the grandchildren and see how big they have gotten just since Christmas. Gabe is really talking away now and Kaylee is a short way from crawling. He will be 3 in June and she will be 1 in April. Such sweeties. Gabe kept wanting to come home with us, "Go with you Grandma in big, big truck." I had to try explaining to him that it was a long way to go without mommy and daddy. I don't think he understood that point. He just wanted to go.

Anyway, we did get to spend some quality time with him and his sister.
Kaylee has her ears pierced and just looks adorable.
I caught Kaylee on the move hence the blurry picture. Thanks, Jason and Megan, for taking care of us and giving us such a wonderful visit. We love you and the babies.
Then my week went downhill from there. It seemed like things were hitting us from all sides at once. If I hadn't had Jordan (the little almost 2 year old that I babysit) and Don to keep checking up on me, I would have sank really deep.
Our other married children came to visit a few times toward the end of the week. They brightened my day. They are expecting our new grandson in May and I love being a part of their pregnancy and keeping up with the progress. They took us to breakfast/lunch Saturday morning, Valentine's Day and Tish, Jessica and I spent some time in one of my favorite hangouts, Joann's. Don and Jeff couldn't handle that, so they went to a hobby store, computer store and sports store while we were in looking at fabrics. That was a bright spot for my week.
I hope things get better soon. I am in a bad mindset. So bad that quilting isn't doing much for me. I don't know how much more I can take. Any words of wisdom? I'll watch for some. Later.

Monday, January 19, 2009

January 2009

IT'S TIME!!!!! Yep it's time. Time for me to post. I am discovering that it won't do it on it's own, so I have to.

January 2009. Already the 19th day. My husband is still under foot since before Christmas. He has tried to go back to work, but they haven't had any work for him to do. I like that he is home to keep up with my "honey do" list, but that doesn't bring home the $$$ to pay the bills, so that sucks.

Anyway, enough of that.
I have a new grandson due in May. Did I tell you that? They were told after Christmas that they are having a BOY. So I get to start making the fun baby stuff; birp cloths, receiving blankets, bibs, quilts, etc.
I am excited. Babies are such sweet gifts from God. I have two other grandchildren that I just adore and can get just about whatever from this old softy grandma. I just love having family around.

I have a Senior in High School too this year. I keep thinking, "if we can only stick it out and get him graduated". He is 18 already and you know what that means. "I know it all. I am my own boss." etc. etc.

We also have a 15 (going on 30) year old. She will be 16 in March. She has had her learner's permit since last March and is driving us, literally and figuratively, crazy about wanting a car. I am afraid that will have to wait. She is a good student though. She makes good grades and doesn't gripe about having to get up in the mornings to go to school.

All in all, I am a very blessed person.
Did I tell you that I quilt? I am sure I mentioned that. Anyway, I am including some pictures of my quilts in the slideshow. Enjoy.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Happy New Year everyone. I am finally getting the hang of this blogging business. I just wish I had more informative info to add to it. I am fairly new to quilting, so what I learn there comes from trial and error. I guess if you learn from your mistakes, and keep going, you will become better for them. So I will just keep working toward that goal. In the mean time, I have added some cute pics of my family. Make today better than yesterday. SMILE.

My granddaughter Kaylee and grandson Gabe