Monday, January 19, 2009

January 2009

IT'S TIME!!!!! Yep it's time. Time for me to post. I am discovering that it won't do it on it's own, so I have to.

January 2009. Already the 19th day. My husband is still under foot since before Christmas. He has tried to go back to work, but they haven't had any work for him to do. I like that he is home to keep up with my "honey do" list, but that doesn't bring home the $$$ to pay the bills, so that sucks.

Anyway, enough of that.
I have a new grandson due in May. Did I tell you that? They were told after Christmas that they are having a BOY. So I get to start making the fun baby stuff; birp cloths, receiving blankets, bibs, quilts, etc.
I am excited. Babies are such sweet gifts from God. I have two other grandchildren that I just adore and can get just about whatever from this old softy grandma. I just love having family around.

I have a Senior in High School too this year. I keep thinking, "if we can only stick it out and get him graduated". He is 18 already and you know what that means. "I know it all. I am my own boss." etc. etc.

We also have a 15 (going on 30) year old. She will be 16 in March. She has had her learner's permit since last March and is driving us, literally and figuratively, crazy about wanting a car. I am afraid that will have to wait. She is a good student though. She makes good grades and doesn't gripe about having to get up in the mornings to go to school.

All in all, I am a very blessed person.
Did I tell you that I quilt? I am sure I mentioned that. Anyway, I am including some pictures of my quilts in the slideshow. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Jeff & Tisha said...

I didn't know you'd put a blog up too! I was just clicking on links from mine and found it! Sorry it's taken me this long....of course I blame my absent-mindedness on the pregnancy hormones! Lol! Logan's just playing in the bounce house that used to be known as my stomach lol. But that's GOOD! He needs to stay there for about 17 more weeks. Although I did find some adorable lion cub socks at Wal-Mart....I really shouldn't be allowed to play in that section! I've only bought the one bib though, amassing clothes starts soon, as soon as I can get my nursery emptied out and his dresser into it. Love you!